This Christmas was different from any we have ever had. Let me explain... I had not been able to do the kids Christmas shopping with Josh traveling so much, and them being with me 24/7 there was no time. We were lucky enough to find a wonderful lady to keep our kids the day before Christmas Eve overnight while Josh and I went out of town(the good stores are a minimum of 1 1/2 away) to fill stockings and cover the tree skirt. I myself was excited Josh and I don't get much time to ourselves, this was going to be our Christmas present to each other. We reserved a room at the Holiday Inn and headed to Tupelo, MS in hopes that traffic and shops would not be to bad. Our luck was up traffic wasn't bad, and the shops were not over crowded. Unfortunately things were not going as well at home. I received several phone calls from the kids about each others bad behavior. Thinking it was time for bed I spoke with the sitter around 9 pm, we both felt bedtime was in order and hoped things would be better the next day. Josh and I finally made it to the hotel and into our bed about 11. Tayler Rayn gave me a wake up call at 8 am :(, they were back to their bad behavior. Josh and I were beyond disappointed and shocked to say the last, that they would behave badly for a sitter(all 3 of them) and all while were doing their Christmas shopping! This practically ruined our much needed alone time. :( I myself was really hoping that things wouldn't have been as bad as portrayed. Not the case, the sitter that usually stays and talks barely gave me time to write her a check she got out the door so fast.
After much pondering Josh and I decided that the kids were not going to get presents Christmas morning. After all the reason for the season is Jesus Birthday! We do not feel it honors Jesus in buying each other presents and for many going into debt during the process. Let alone giving to badly behaved children, what would that teach them? Instead we hope they learned the true reason for CHRISTmas, that it would honor Jesus more to seek out others in need than giving and spending money on unneeded gifts for each other, and bad behavior and disrespectfullnes will not be tolerated.
On a side note I think it was harder for me than for the kids! I love seeing their excitement and taking pictures it is my favorite part of the season with children. Their behavior is improving but still a work in progress. We have been giving them the gifts through out January and will continue in the upcoming months when we see exceptional behavior!
Christmas Card Picture 2011
The below pictures our of our furbabies with their Christmas presents.
Shadowfox with kitty treats. Not to happy about pictures being taken.
Isabelle(foster) and Andi with their toys.
Andi sniffing a toy ball rolled in cat nip.
Not a present Isabelle found a loose crayon to swat.
Aroara with her bone.
Big with his.
Cynder licking his lips.
Blue(foster) chowing down!
I redid our front door wreath this year.
Front door completed.
I used spare limbs from the trees and homemade bows this year to decorate our windows.
And door ways.