Well it was a busy one for us all. I made Chocolate Chip muffins for her for breakfast(like Otis Spunkmyer) YUM! Those are her favorite. Then she watched a Barbie movie with Bren, she has an awesome big brother! We got ready went and shopped at Walmart. She spent some of her birthday money and we picked up her bike from Grandaddy and Grandmommy. She didn't have a clue and was shocked! Walking towards the bikes she said "I thought you and daddy were getting me a bike. I said no we gave you your big girl room and mp3 player. As we got closer she said I want a bike with a back pack. " I turned down the aisle and said well that is the one Grandaddy and Grandmommy got you for your birthday. This bike is so cool with pink glitter, and even has a mini bike on the handle bars for Barbie to ride on, and a back pack! Mommy is jealous. :) It came with training wheels and she wanted them off right away. I was a little worried as this is a 16 inch and she just learned to ride with out training wheels on her 12 inch. But away she went in her skirt and high heeled flip flops! That's my girl! here is a pick of her, sooo proud!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Taylers Day
Well it was a busy one for us all. I made Chocolate Chip muffins for her for breakfast(like Otis Spunkmyer) YUM! Those are her favorite. Then she watched a Barbie movie with Bren, she has an awesome big brother! We got ready went and shopped at Walmart. She spent some of her birthday money and we picked up her bike from Grandaddy and Grandmommy. She didn't have a clue and was shocked! Walking towards the bikes she said "I thought you and daddy were getting me a bike. I said no we gave you your big girl room and mp3 player. As we got closer she said I want a bike with a back pack. " I turned down the aisle and said well that is the one Grandaddy and Grandmommy got you for your birthday. This bike is so cool with pink glitter, and even has a mini bike on the handle bars for Barbie to ride on, and a back pack! Mommy is jealous. :) It came with training wheels and she wanted them off right away. I was a little worried as this is a 16 inch and she just learned to ride with out training wheels on her 12 inch. But away she went in her skirt and high heeled flip flops! That's my girl! here is a pick of her, sooo proud!!
Catchin Some Z's
My animal lover girl snuggling with Shadowfox. Apparently at nap time she had him in the bed loving him. He loves to get up under necks and sleep. I came to check on her because she had been asleep so long and this is what I found. :) And I got caught as you can see the flash woke her up and she hollered get out!
Happy 6TH Birthday Tayler!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Slipping and Slidin
My dad got this slip n slide for the kids. I set it up yesterday and they had a ball. You can see how excited Tayler is waiting her turn. She is holding a boogie float(as I called it) you run and set it under your tummy and it is supposed to help you slide faster. I didn't get a good picture of her on the slide because her hair kept getting in the way.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Our Trip To GA
We got there Monday night, unpacked and hit the pool. Believe it or not it was cold! We brought the rain with us we always do. Tuesday night we went to Stone Mtn. with the Moons and Clay kids(cousins). It wouldn't be summer for me without going to Stone Mtn. laser show!
Left top to bottom- Anissa Clay,Kate Moon,Wesley Moon,Brenden, James Clay,Tayler Rayn,Corey Moon,Joshua
Wednesday we ate dinner with my Nana and Papa. Thursday was my moms birthday. I made her a cake, and we ate a Dairy Queen ice cream cake YUM! Friday we spent with Joshs' family. Saturday I saw my bestest friend in the world Adrianne at her daughter at Sophie's B-Day party. And Sunday home we went. In between visiting we stayed in the pool! We had a great visit! We had an awesome time hanging out with my dad. He had boats, floating lit flowers, and a submarine for the kids to play with in the pool. They also built and flew balsa wood air planes. This was the only time I have been I didn't feel I was running my legs off.
Wednesday we ate dinner with my Nana and Papa. Thursday was my moms birthday. I made her a cake, and we ate a Dairy Queen ice cream cake YUM! Friday we spent with Joshs' family. Saturday I saw my bestest friend in the world Adrianne at her daughter at Sophie's B-Day party. And Sunday home we went. In between visiting we stayed in the pool! We had a great visit! We had an awesome time hanging out with my dad. He had boats, floating lit flowers, and a submarine for the kids to play with in the pool. They also built and flew balsa wood air planes. This was the only time I have been I didn't feel I was running my legs off.
4 th of July Weekend
Among this plane they also have the tank pictured below, army jeep, helicopter, and memorial wall.
Tayler aiming a gun, I believe Jay said they used these on ships.
Brenden on the tank.
Joshua and Tayler sitting on the tank.
Landrums Country Village and Homestead
There are to many pictures to put them all on. To name a few we visited old cabins with kitchens,bedrooms, and living rooms all set up. A windmill, old wash tub(where they took once a week baths), forging station, out houses, tool shed, shooting range, trading post, jail, feed and seed store, mining for gems, and a old country store. They also had old wagons and tractors. There were 53 stops in all spread out over 10 acres. Very educational!
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