Our Complete Flock
We had 2 chickens pass away. We planned to get Brenden a new chicken, and since I have a thing for pairs and even numbers we had to make it even. We have 2 ducks, 4 Bantams, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Rhode Island Red, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Poor Josh I really want to get another Rhode Island and Sex Links but am controlling my self! :) While going to the zoo today we were able to see the full grown Bantams, Bantam Silky, and Buff Orpington. It was so neat! Of course we still have the surprise of finding out whether we have hens or roosters though.
We had 2 chickens pass away. We planned to get Brenden a new chicken, and since I have a thing for pairs and even numbers we had to make it even. We have 2 ducks, 4 Bantams, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Rhode Island Red, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Poor Josh I really want to get another Rhode Island and Sex Links but am controlling my self! :) While going to the zoo today we were able to see the full grown Bantams, Bantam Silky, and Buff Orpington. It was so neat! Of course we still have the surprise of finding out whether we have hens or roosters though.
What a great experience for your kids!