Duey snuggling up to James.

Sonny has almost all feathers in now. Still not sure if we have a rooster or hen? I am thinking if it was a rooster we would have heard a crow by now though.

Here is our 2nd largest Butterfly a hen for sure with her owner Brenden and our neighbor Austin. We ate at McAllisters for dinner (kids eat free on Tuesday! Woo Hoo!)and Austin rode home with us to check out the tree house and play with the boys.

Big has been such a good boy and we are supper proud of him. He pretty much ignores the ducks and chickens, though babies still tend to peak his interest, still has come along way from being a duck retrieving dog! Here Tayler is saying I am watching you leave my babies alone!

Tayler and the mallards. She has chocolate on her face:). These were supposed to be Dueys ducks but Tayler has adopted them and spends more time with taking care of them than anyone.

Sonny and Duey getting ready for bed. Unfortunately they no longer are bed buddies once I noticed a few bite marks on Dueys' bill. They still hang out by the chicken cages together, Duey has more get away room out there.
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