Friday, September 30, 2011

Boys "New" Room

 Joshua helped me patch the holes in the wall. When he was younger he had a bad habit of throwing things. I am so grateful he is out of that stage and can control his frustration better! He helped me patch, sand and paint.

We put their beds on top of each other giving them so much more room.
 Brenden chose Army green for the wall color.Joshua likes blue the best so he helped chose the school room color. Pictures to come later.
 Both boys had fun picking out where to put the military wall art.

 Loving their new room!
This is a Thomas The Tank Engine table set my dad built for Brenden when he was little. They don't play with it as much as they used to now that they are growing up but insisted on keeping it in their room. Other kids that come over think it is the best!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristy! I LOVE your page girl! And....I think your kids are great! :D
