Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just a Few of Gods Many Blessings

Even though we purchased a brand new John Deere Zero turn lawnmower last year, I could still not keep up with the yard! I cut the grass every 5 days, and still it was so tall all the clippings would pile up leaving the grass to grow yet faster underneath! Not to mention how frustrating it is to spend the time to cut having clumps everywhere, it certainly does not make for an attractive yard! Our neighbor mentioned a lawn sweeper, hmm first time I had heard of this. She claimed that it made the grass more manageable by keeping the grass from being so thick, preventing it from growing as fast. It was well worth the try! I am happy to say that our grass is under control again!
We sold our Camry also known as The Crash Me, or Cramry. Poor car was so good to us. Josh hit a deer and backed into the tractor. I backed into a fence post at horse riding lessons. The transmission was in need of being replaced along with quite a few other things. It wasn't worth it for us to put that much money into it with so many miles 268,000. So I am back to driving what I call a gas guzzler. In the end with insurance being cheaper without it the monthly cost is about the same. It doesn't end there in all my bizzyness(yep made that one up :)I made our House Payment for our Truck Payment. I pay them online, both of which are to Wells Fargo. Not good! It just so happened that with the money we had in savings and the money we made from the sale of the car totaled our missing house payment that was due!! Thank you God!
I noticed what appeared to be dirt on our gas water heater(I am a neat freak when it comes to cleaning appliances), after walking over to it I realized it was not dirt but soot! There was a fire inside. I am not talking about a pilot light fire, but an actual fire! Somehow the burner had been plugged up letting carbon build up causing this fire. Josh was able to take it to our local gas company, where they blew it out and we are good as new. We are praising God that #1 the fire did not spread, and #2 that Josh was home to take care if it!

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