Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tammen Park Blue Ridge

We went to fish, well Josh and the kids fished. I just couldn't bring myself to cough up $68 for an out of state fishing license This park is by the Taccoa River, the only place the trout seemed to be this time of year.The outfitters informed us that the creek at our cabin was to warm this time of year for the trout. You couldn't tell the kids that! Water everywhere was cold up there!
We dropped Josh off at the dam and he waded down and met us at the park.
Tayler and Joshua trying to decide if they want to brave the cold or not.
And they make it only to find refuge on a log. Ha Ha! Joshua was clapping so proud of himself above. The water was so clear and pretty. You can see Bren fishing in the back ground, determined not to let the cold water stop him!
And she makes it in to fish finally. Don't let her face fool you, she was having fun but so tired of my picture taking. I had to tell them they are tired of it now, but they will be grateful later in life. And hopefully thank me :). She had fun trying to catch a little minnow that kept trying to swim down stream to check out her bait. The current was trying to carry him off.
Brenden in deep water. They didn't catch anything that day. Well I take that back Tayler Rayn did manage to hook me in the rear end. Oh such fun, took my forever to get the hook out of my shorts. And I being that I am so wonderful with electronics dropped the days old camera in the Taccoa. Josh went back the next day and caught the BIG one that got away. So we didn't get a chance to eat trout this time. I assure you there will be more chances, we plan to return soon. We fell in love with Blue Ridge!

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