First Practice.
Coach Kevin brought a book about a frog playing soccer to teach the kids the rules. The main rule was Froggy says you can knee it, you can bump it, you can boot it! But you can't use your hands! It was cute every time the kids would go to grab the ball, Coach would holler what does Froggy say? No Hands! They would all cheer! After the story they played leap frog, jumping over each others backs. By the end of the season they really knew the in and outs of soccer.We could not have gotten a better Coach!
Opps what does Froggy say? No Hands Josh Noah!
This took lots of reminding for all the little ones, by the end of the season they had it mastered!
Here comes #6 the smiling Gecko
I don't think there was a minute he didn't smile playing the whole season!
Way To Go!
(if the ball goes out, the opposite team gets to kick it in towards their goal)
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