Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hardins Fish Hatchery

Mr.Hardin was nice enough to offer us a private tour of his fish farm.
"In the barn" that holds the fish vats.
Florida Hybrid Bass
Blue Gill Bream
He actually has a huge 20 acre pond where he raises all the fish. He then catches them and puts them in vats until he sells them.
Tayler caught a itty bitty frog.
We were lucky enough to see a crop duster. It even flew right over the truck, the kids were having a fit they were so excited.
Picture of the underside. It was my favorite color yellow.
Mr. Hardin also showed the kids and I cotton in it different stages. (my camera was acting up, did not get pictures). He even shared fresh squash, cucumber, and tomatoes with us from his garden. He was such a nice man. The five of us really enjoyed our visit!
The Bass before we put them in our pond.
Grass Carp
The ducks and geese were supposed to maintain the pond, apparently they feel maintaining the grass in the yard is a better past time. Here is to hoping these two do the trick.
We met Mr. Hardin about 7:30 that morning, we had to wake Joshua up. Poor little guy also got his first wasp sting. A benadryl and being woke up is what is takes to wear this one out!

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