I always let the kids pick what they want me to cook for 2 meals and we take them out for one. Brenden chose pancakes with chocolate chips and whip cream for breakfast. I tried to put 10 candles on the first set and then figured out the pancakes were to hot and they melted the candles. Ha, this is set #2 and I learned my lesson the whip cream turned out to be a great idea and kept this candle from melting.
Well this was supposed to be a monster truck cake. As you can see it turned out more like a hot rod. This was my first experience going totally from scratch. I still owe him a monster truck cake. I plan to order the truck cake pan soon.
For those interested I actually made a chocolate sheet cake, cut and sculpted the body out of cake, iced the cake in homemade chocolate icing, and then covered the cake in blue fondant for the front and back glass, and red fondant for the body. Next I used red icing to add more detail to the body. The wheels are actually chocolate donuts, (I rubbed black icing on the tires to make a dirty effect). Marsh mellows were used to hub caps, and head lights.
There it is folks the long anticipated remote control monster truck. If you only knew how much he talked about wanting one and deciding on which one WHEW! I am so glad he had my dad to help give my ears a break Ha ha!
Brenden saved his birthday money from his his dad and I, his Grandaddy and Grandmommy to buy this. After much deliberation and research he decided on the Traxxas Stampede. I scoured the Internet to find the best deal and ordered it off Ebay with free shipping, we were shocked that is was shipped 2 day, and arrived days before Christmas. If you ever in the market check this seller out!
I am thinking I want one! They are a blast stay tuned for pictures of Bren playing in the snow with it!
Proud new owner of a Hobby Grade R. C.
This year we are taking each of the kid off for the day alone on their birthday. Brenden chose to go to several hobby stores, and Toys R Us. For his eat out birthday meal he chose Japanese Steak House hibachi grill. Yeah for birthdays Mommy gets to benefit as well! :) This was the first time since Tayler has been born that we had just him to ourselves. We had an awesome day!
Happy Birthday to Brenden! That was a great cake. I enjoy reading your blog, Kristy!