Fall evenings are perfect for walks at the lake!
The lighting from the setting sun, the fall leaves, and sky were breath taking. I couldn't resist taking tons of pictures!

Up on top...

The water made craters in the sand when it pulled out. All three had fun jumping over them and even making the sides cave in.
We found lots of muscle shells to collect, we were surprised by how big they were.

Brenden looking for recruits to help dig out the barrel.

And looks like he found one! They really wanted to bring it home. They had no such luck since we are truckless. I didn't think daddy would appreciate it being brought home in the trunk of the Camry.

Nothing like little muddy toes... :)

Was interesting to see the root pattern of this tree.

Josh told me the reason for all the sticks around this stump were for fishermen to mark good fishing spots. The different heights show the water level.


Hmm what are these boys up to?

Brenden made his hand print and then helped Joshua.
Hand prints and feet.

Mommy and Dude

Pretty view of the lake.

Mommy and Pie Pie

Mommy and Bean

Running back toward the car.

Three of a kind.

In the summer this area stays covered by water.

This is a boat ramp, there was a couple pulling their boat out from fishing when we first arrived.

These next shots show he kids enjoying playing in the water while cleaning off their feet.
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