Saturday, February 26, 2011


With such nice weather the kids and I decided to go out to the Lake and explore. We asked Reid to tag along with us. They enjoy hanging out and 4 believe it or not is an easier number than 3. There is no third wheel when you have 4. I am thankful for being able to borrow and return though. Joshua has done me in and there won't be any more additions to the Jones Party of Five! Well unless they have fur or feathers anyway.
I didn't encourage any more climbing of this mound after they made if over the top once. I am all about getting dirty and letting kids be kids but RED dirt is no fun, for moms anyway. Shonna should thank me. :)

Hard to tell here but the water had eroded the sand making mini canyons. The kids had fun jumping over them and then sliding down when one would cave. The sand was super soft.

Tayler finds a bridge. This was the best picture I took of Reid facing me. He isn't very cooperative when it comes to picture taking we are going to have to work on that. :)

Here the water was running over slate. The colors were so pretty.

This kid cracks me up, I tried numerous times to tell him the water wasn't high enough. Apparently he wasn't taking any chance.
Brenden really is the best big brother anyone could ever have!
As you can see Joshua wasn't to sure about going over this log. He was worried he would get wet. Hum can't imagine that.  It is all or none for him. He can't stand to have a little water on him or dirt on his hands. At the same time he is a water baby like his brother and sister loving the lake, pond, and swimming pool.
Lets try going under this time.

Freshwater muscle
We have found tons of empty shells on previous walk out here, this was our first time to actually find one occupied. The kids all touched it and checked it out until Brenden freaked when it started pushing out sand and water to hide. The fellow then flew back where it came from.

Here is Reid saying but it isn't soft here look, I am not sinking.
I had told all four of them that they needed to get up where I, there was a good chance of hitting a muddy spot and getting stuck with rubber boots.

Look mom it is solid here.

Tayler saying hum you got yourself in a situation there Reid.
This stuff was like quick sand the more he struggled the deeper his foot went.

Here Brenden comes in to save the day. And thank goodness, I had only tennis shoes on. I kept telling them pull and walk backward! After about 10 times of me saying this they finally did! Brenden and both boots full of water and mud, Reid came out with one dry one. Once we got to the parking lot both boys could stand it no longer and had to take off their boots. I told Reid his sock was and awesome color and it took hard work to get it that color. His reply was really? Yes I said wasn't hard work getting stuck and then getting out? Yeah he replied. :)

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