Monday, April 18, 2011

Unusual Ride

We are just now getting around to repairing the sheet rock in the boys closet. After replacing a leaking water pipe in the wall. We wanted to be positive all the mold was gone before we sealed everything back up. While Josh was cleaning up dust and dirt with the shop vac guess what he found. I was in the hall painting. Josh starts yelling my name, "I vacuumed up a mouse in the shop vac. You want to save it?" Of course if its even still alive I say. Amazingly enough this is one lucky mouse. The only damage it endured was being covered in dust. I am surprised the shock alone didn't kill it.
Why do I do this you may wonder? Save animals that would scare others and can be such a pests. To me they are all Gods creatures. They to are trying to survive just as we are. They mean no harm, they are only doing what is natural.
Aroara was very interested in the mouse!
As well as others! The kids got a lesson on how you do not under any circumstances touch or keep critters like these due to all of the diseases the carry. These are wild animals and no we can't pet it, keep it and put it with Patrick!
Free at last... Headed onto the property beside ours across the creek by the way. :)

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