Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Jonesism-a phrase or word created by one of the five us.

I have two to share today.

Joshua-We need to take a walk so we can extracize. Mommy don't you want to extracize?

Tayler Rayn-While shopping at Sams' the kids were enjoying all the food samples. They had gotten to one cart before me and the lady told them ask your mom first,there might be something you are allergic to in this. Tayler already had a brownie bar in her hand before the lady mentioned this and she walked back to me and said."I can't eat this it might have pillacillin in it." Now Tayler is allergic to the antibiotic penacillin. It took quite a bit of convincing to get her to understand she didn't have to worry about an allergic reaction sampling food, there was no antibiotic in it. Still in the end she still would not eat the bar.

Meet Alexander Nibbles

Yes it appears we are working on a miniature petting zoo. I had bunnies growing up and enjoyed them! I have tried to talk Josh into an Easter Bunny for about a month. He finally let me have one. Mr.Nibbles joined our family a week before Easter. He is the sweetest little guy and loves to snuggle. I have plenty of help to care for all these critters my only problem is that the kids fuss over who gets to hold them and how long!

Church Easter Egg Hunt

My first strawberry pie. I took this to share for lunch. Unfortunately it looked better than it tasted. Though many people were kind and said it was great I knew better ;). I did not have gelatin of any kind so searched for a recipe without. Next shopping trip I will buy gelatin to keep on hand and find a strawberry recipe with it!
This is his mom can't you see I am busy hunting eggs look.
Not to shabby there Bren.

Joshua did the best by far, even one found the prize egg for his age group and won $10 Walmart card! He and Josh even hunted all the rest of the eggs and found tons more once everyone else moved on to other things.
Tayler and Reid were serious egg hunters!
Tayler and her bounty.
There was a "spoon egg walk" this age group got to use hard boiled eggs. The kids had to go down to a tree and come back to the sidewalk. Next year Brendens' age group moves up to a raw egg toss. He says he isn't looking forward to it.
Brenden dropped his egg right after this picture!

First ZooTrip of 2011

Nap Time!
Bren spotted this one and said take a picture of him or her. Turned out cute!
Joshua favorite the giraffes. Though when I asked him this time he told me his favorite was the lizards he saw sunning on the park benches.
Luke is to sweet I had to share this one. Brenden loves little kids and they seem to love him as well!
This monkey was playing with Joshua. He would move his head up and down and the monkey would duck to look over or above. It was to cute!
You can see the seal right behind the boys heads.
Mandarin Duck
I would love to have a pair of these one day! This is the first time they have been close enough for me to get a good picture!

Picking Strawberries

I found out a farm near us Cedar Hill Farms in Hernando, MS is starting to have you pick fruits and vegetables. Our plan is to one day have a garden of our own to pick from but until then we are glad to have a farm near and gain ideas!
This time is Strawberries
Heading out to the strawberry fields. Reid was none to happy about the hay in his flip flops!
Ready! Set! Pick!

Fresh on the plants!
Tayler filling her basket and Luke filling his cheeks in the back. ;)
Shonna and Luke
Luke wasn't a big help on filling up baskets he was to busy eating all he picked, and eating from the baskets that were already full. My kids were happy to help out and fill the Viners baskets!
Lukes' Sweet Strawberry Face!
Luke had trouble finding finding the ripe ones at times, so Reid shared his supply. He was so sweet saying Mama don't worry I gave Luke some ripe ones!
Joshua and Reid filling up their baskets.
We could not believe the difference in fresh and store bought. I still had a few I had bought from Sams a few days ago and Tayler said that they had turned bad and we couldn't eat them. They really weren't bad, we just didn't realize how they are supposed to taste naturally.
Bren found a good one!
They were so juicy they squirted when we bit into them.
I love this one of Tayler! Brenden did a great job toting the baskets and picking even though he is not a strawberry eater.
Riding back on the wagon, while eating our pickings of course.
Our Strawberries all 7 lbs. of them!

Spring Soccer Season 2011

This team was blessed to have the Pastor of Christ Community Church dedicate his time and coach them. I was proud to see them pray before and after each game! Not only that they faced many difficulties. A child who played fall season decided not to participate in spring season due to being tired and needing a break after base ball. Fall season they were already short handed as not many kids signed up in this age level. Each child had to play every game without replacement for rest time, and in place of a seasoned soccer player they gained a player new to the game. Despite all of this these boys played their hearts out and had a great time!

These two teams played each other every gain as they were the only two in their age level. We often had to borrow a player from them just to have enough to play with. Brenden is looking forward to next season as is Joshua. Tayler might even join them this fall as well.

Just Buggin Out

Brenden found this really cool beetle in our woods just the other day. I really wish I could figure out the name and more information on it. It is proving to be quite difficult though. We seem to have no trouble identifying caterpillars, but beetles are another story.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Grenada Lake Sunset

Unusual Ride

We are just now getting around to repairing the sheet rock in the boys closet. After replacing a leaking water pipe in the wall. We wanted to be positive all the mold was gone before we sealed everything back up. While Josh was cleaning up dust and dirt with the shop vac guess what he found. I was in the hall painting. Josh starts yelling my name, "I vacuumed up a mouse in the shop vac. You want to save it?" Of course if its even still alive I say. Amazingly enough this is one lucky mouse. The only damage it endured was being covered in dust. I am surprised the shock alone didn't kill it.
Why do I do this you may wonder? Save animals that would scare others and can be such a pests. To me they are all Gods creatures. They to are trying to survive just as we are. They mean no harm, they are only doing what is natural.
Aroara was very interested in the mouse!
As well as others! The kids got a lesson on how you do not under any circumstances touch or keep critters like these due to all of the diseases the carry. These are wild animals and no we can't pet it, keep it and put it with Patrick!
Free at last... Headed onto the property beside ours across the creek by the way. :)

Just Stopping By

Canadian Geese
Shot By Josh