Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pond Stocking

The five of us all enjoy fishing at our pond. We recently had it stocked with 400 Channel Catfish, 300 Coppernose Bream, 200 Native Blue Gill, and 150 Hybrid Crappie. Here the kiddos are waiting for the fish to come out of the pipe. Tayler is really something standing with her hands on her hips. Wonder where she got that pose from? Hmm
These are the Crappie.
The catfish were about 12 inches long . The kids have never experienced catching these before, the man that we purchased them from was very nice and showed the kids how to hold catfish and what parts to be careful of.
These were the only ones that hung around for a bit. We enjoy feeding the fish every other night. It doesn't take much to catch them now just a hook and a pole. You heard right just a hook, without bait. The kids have a blast! We have even eaten some bream for our first time ever in the 9 years of living here.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fun Easter Baskets

Daddys' Basket
He is holding one of our favorite trees a Japanese Maple.
Joshua won the prize an extra water tank for his gun.
We weren't real original on the contest, pick a number between 1 and 10. We decided to play this way instead of hiding a prize egg. The church Easter Egg hunt was enough for this year.
She is proud!
Nerf water guns really? Well that wasn't all. Each basket also held Toy Story Dvds 1, 2, and 3, chocolate bunnies, their favorite candy, an animal that ate jelly beans and then deposited them LOL boy did they have fun with those I am still finding jelly beans in unusual places, and lastly a packet of seeds to plant in our porch flower pots.
I didn't get myself one at first, but you can bet I went the next day. You would to if this is what you faced.
And here is my crew all wet and sweaty after having fun together!
These are the times I cherish!

Easter 2011 Pictures

Beautiful spring back drop!
Our girls had to join us as always looking for a snack.
I asked each of them to do "pose" however they wanted and just have fun. This is Joshuas' version of fun and I love it!
Thank you daddy forgetting some great pics of Mommy and her three. I do publicly apologize for acting like a fool and getting upset that the dog was in the pictures and they appeared to be ruined, and that nothing was going right. You did a great job and I am grateful!
Our Beautiful Princess Pie!
Brenden had a harder time just having fun with his pictures. He wasn't feeling creative. Here he is saying I just don't know.

Here Joshua was watching a ladybug on his hand. Both the stillness and curiosity are precious.

The sun was a bit bright but a blessing all the same!
Thank you God for the miracle of your son! We are sinful and unworthy and you love us just the same.
For whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fish and Frog

Joshua caught this fish with his new big boy fishing pole!

While playing in the creek Tayler and Joshua caught craw fish and a snail. They gave Brenden and I a snail craw fish show. This one in Taylers hand was named Molly.
We were eating dinner and Tayler spotted this tree frog on the dining room window.

Jesus's Cross

Joshua told me hurry Mommy get your camera I see Jesus's Cross in the sky!