Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brendens 11th Birthday

Brenden waiting to go inside Incredible Pizza. This place is like Chucky Cheese for big kids.The prizes games and rides are bigger and better! We arrived around lunch expecting to be there a few hours next thing we knew it was dark. Awesome family time!
 Eating from the pizza buffet. Their pizza reminds me of CiCis Pizza. Of course dessert pizza is always the best and the kids each made their selves a root bear float.
One of the best ways to get tickets, and you can see Bren was pretty dern excited.

Not sure who had more fun Brenden playing or me watching him. You can go from side to side and up and down with this simulator.
Waiting in line at Brens favorite go carts!
He was serious at racing!

Tayler wasn't so sure Mommy could handle it, I think she was expecting more like bumper cars.

Joshua and daddy in the "GPS" car, Joshua has called UPS, GPS for years. He is fascinated with mail and carriers.
Not hard to tell these guys are having a blast!
Tayler was the only one that rode bumper cars, she loved them!
We each gave Brenden all of our tickets since it was his birthday. He was sweet enough to pick something out for Pie and Dude to! 
We had hoped to make it to GiGis cupcakes for Brenden to pick up one of his favorites a chocolate cupcake. Unfortunately we didn't make it in time and all that was left was wedding cake :(. Poor Bren was so disappointed that is until we found as awesome grocery store Fresh Market. It was incredible!! We had the best time checking everything out, each kiddo picked a special treat and special drink. Brenden bought a piece of cake that blew GiGis out of water! 
I am so grateful for Brenden, he is an amazing son! Compassionate, sensitive, charming, intelligent, caring, faithful, forgiving, are just a few words to describe him at 11 years old.

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